After the incidents registered on Thursday afternoon in the Metropolitan region in the framework of Human Rights Day, the authorities condemned the burning of four electric buses in Alameda with Las Rejas.
The damaged vehicles transported 1,500 people per day, directly affecting users who need to travel to their workplaces and homes.
“This is crime, this is lumpen, this is doing harm to the people who need it most, ”said Interior Minister Rodrigo Delgado.
The authority added not having “memories of such a massive burning of buses. Just to say that this loses the most vulnerable people, the people who have to get up very early in the morning to get to work ”.
Along the same lines, the general director of the Carabineros, Ricardo Yáñez, stressed that those affected by the incidents registered on Thursday afternoon and night “are the citizens”, because the burning of “four buses, four means of transport it is an attack on the free movement of people ”.
For this reason, he assured that they are collecting all the information to find those responsible and leave them at the disposal of justice. “Criminals must be incarcerated in prisons to be able to deliver peace to the citizens ”.
In this regard, Mayor Guevara explained that the “incidents basically consisted of barricades, bonfires and riots that carried out groups of 20, 30 and up to 40 people in different parts of the region. We had attacks on police barracks in Huechuraba and Parque Hurtado, and the latest riots concluded with the burning of four electric buses in the public transport network of the Metropolitan region “.
He specified that “we want to reestablish public order, the climate of peace and non-violence that we all have the right to enjoy in a democratic system … Violence and democracy are not compatible. Democracy implies peace, communication, dialogue ”.
Guevara added that yesterday “were serious violations of human rights by criminals.”
While among the 17 detainees who will go to detention control today for the incidents none are related to the burning of the buses, the highest metropolitan authority announced that a complaint will be filed against those responsible for the arson attack that occurred at the intersection of Alameda with Las Rejas.
Among the slogans that were raised in the demonstration was to request the freedom of the prisoners for causes derived from the social outbreak.
Given that, Minister Delgado insisted that “In the application that exists for a pardon, it must be very clear, the people who have committed crimes are not political prisoners, the people who are deprived of their liberty are because they have committed crimes such as the burning of buses ”.
For this reason, he stressed that “we are going to be relentless in having all the antecedents to determine who is behind these types of events.”