After several days of uncertainty, the Mixed Commission of Congress that processes the project that seeks to reserve seats for native peoples in the Constitutional Convention managed to reach an agreement.
With 9 votes in favor and one abstention, the body made up of members of the Senate and the House approved the proposal of 17 places reserved for indigenous peoples and one for Afro-descendants. all this within the 155 seats already set.
The initiative will deliver seven seats to Mapuches, two to Aymaras and one to each of the following towns: Rapa Nui, Quechua, Lincan Antay or Atacameño, Diaguita, Colla, Kawashkar, Yagán or Yámana and Chango.
The proposal must be reviewed first in the House and then in the Senate for ratification. Processing is expected to begin tomorrow.

The knot
As indicated, a quota for Afro-descendants will be added to them. This last point will be voted separately and it was the main knot that was generated in the debate. Indeed, the Government requested that the Chamber take a separate vote on that point.
Most likely, such option will be rejected, since a 3/5 quorum is required for approval.
The opposition had already accused Chile Vamos of discrimination, due to the refusal it had manifested in the first instance to accommodate the Afro-descendant people, which originates with the African diaspora that occurred in the colonial period towards our country and is recognized as a tribal people with law 21,151, which ends up recognizing their historical tradition; your culture; institutions and their worldview.
They voted in favor:
-Ebensperger light
-Pedro Assemble
-Rodrigo Galilea
-Francisco Huenchumilla
-Juan Antonio Coloma
-Gonzalo Fuenzalida
-René Saffirio
-Leonardo Soto
-Alfonso De Urresti
The only abstention was that of Matías Walker, who expressed his dissatisfaction with the separate vote that will be held for the quota for people of African descent, “Knowing that this quota will be rejected in the room on the right ”.
“It is a tremendous triumph, it is a tremendous advance,” said Deputy De Urresti after the vote.