This Thursday, at 5 in the morning, the Metropolitan Region completely regressed to phase 2 of the Step by Step Plan, to Transition, due to the high number of active cases of COVID-19. On Monday, the Health Ministry said they were up 18%.
Although the measure was classified as preventive, fears of a new confinement in the region are latent among citizens. Others point out that the measure is exaggerated. Due to this, the Minister of Health, Enrique Paris explained, in the balance of this Thursday, the decision to decree quarantines on weekends and holidays, and the reduction of capacity in commercial premises, among other measures.
“Today the data show us that the Metropolitan Region is at a critical level and is growing at a level that we had not seen for a long time. Decisions must be taken now to stop the spread of the virus,” he said.
Along with that, he showed a graph of the region’s figures in recent days. As of November 14, the figure was 1,765 cases. Less than a month later, the number rose 53%, reaching 2,698 cases.
“That is to say, in less than a month, we have an increase that goes from 1,765 cases to 2,698 cases. Almost a thousand new cases in less than a month,” remarked the head of the Minsal.
Among the municipalities in the RM that have increased their cases the most is Santiago, which went from 120 according to the Epidemiological Report of November 25, to 229 according to the same report, but on December 9. Puente Alto also rises, from 232 to 278. In the eastern sector, Las Condes rises from 88 to 113 and Vitacura from 21 to 45.
Regarding the situation in the country, Minister Paris said that “only five regions decrease and it is very worrying. Eleven regions of the country increase in their cases. The positivity of the PCR nationwide is 5%. We also observe an increase in the effective R “.
“For a long time the positivity of the PCR did not rise, and today it is, at a national level, at 5%,” he added about this.
Changes in the Step by Step plan
The Undersecretary of Crime Prevention, Katherine Martorell, announced the changes in the Step by Step Plan in the country, which determined that several communes go backward, to Quarantine and Transition especially, due to the increase in cases of infections.
Within the announcements, it goes back to Quarantine from Saturday, December 12 at 5 in the morning, in the Biobío Region, Los Angeles; and on the same day, the communes of Cabrero, Yumbel, Laja, Tirúa, and Penco will return to Transition in the same region.
In the Los Ríos Region, the communes of Paillaco and Río Bueno will go back to Quarantine, while San José de la Mariquina will return to Transition. In the same area, from Monday, December 14 at 5 in the morning, the communes of Futrono and Los Lagos will advance to Transition.
In the Coquimbo Region, it goes back to Transition Ovalle; and Preparation of the communes of Combarbalá, Monte Patria, Pinitaque and Río Hurtado.
In Los Lagos, it advances to Transición, the commune of Puqueldón and Preparation, the commune of Río Negro.
Finally, in the Maule, the Parral commune advances to Preparation; and in the Ñuble, advance to Quillón Preparation.
Daily balance
Looking at the numbers, 1,662 new cases of COVID-19 were reported in the last 24 hours.
In detail, 1,228 patients presented symptoms, while 517 were asymptomatic and 17 were not reported. In total, there are 566,440 infected since the start of the pandemic.
Of these, 10,057 are active cases and 540,288 recovered patients.
Along with the above, 84 deaths were reported in the last 24 hours, reaching a total of 15,774 deaths in the country.
During the last day, 32,509 PCR tests were performed, reaching a total of 5,659,403 tests since the start of the health emergency. There are 671 hospitalized patients, 498 on mechanical ventilation, and 69 in critical condition.
There are 287 respirators available nationwide, and there are 9,277 places in nursing homes.