“We already said that this contract was illegal”


In the framework of the International Day Against Corruption, The government signed an agreement with the Comptroller General of the Republic (CGR) on Wednesday to establish actions and measures against this type of case. The meeting was held in La Moneda and was attended by the Minister of the Segpres, Christian Monckeberg, and the controller Jorge Bermudez.

Precisely the authority of the supervisory body referred, at the exit of the meeting, about problems in payment of services from the Ministry of Health to Espacio Riesco, an event center that was used as a hospital to receive people infected with Covid-19. According to the management of the enclosure, who made his discharges in a report for T13, the debt amounts to $ 2,900 million.

It should be remembered that Comptroller’s Office had declared the second contract between the government and the campus illegal, since the document established the provision of services of habilitation and maintenance of the enclosure that generated payments already established.

In this regard, Bermúdez stated that “We have already fulfilled our function, which consisted of examining the legality of the Espacio Riesco contracts, and in one of them, where there was inconsistency from the point of view of the services for which they were being paid, which were eventually duplicated, this contract was represented, that is, it was declared illegal ”.

“As long as that is not clarified by the Health Service and the Undersecretariat of Networks, it is not possible to complete it and it is not possible to pay that contract,” the comptroller stressed. “Now, as of today, the contract has not re-entered the Comptroller’s Office, therefore, It is not something that is pending in the Comptroller’s Office, for us the issue is not an issue because indeed we already said that this contract was illegal“.
