Exactly one month ago, the US presidential election was declared in favor of the Democratic candidate Joe Biden, defeating the current president, Donald Trump. However, and as he warned the very night of the November 3 election, Trump has not acknowledged his defeat, accusing a massive scale fraud that would have stolen his victory. In a path that has gone from direct pressure to election officials in each state, the filing of multiple court actions, and even calls on Republican governors to designate like-minded voters and reverse the election results, the Trump campaign seems determined to persist in the accusation of electoral theft. With the crucial second round of the Georgia senatorial election in the offing, which on January 5 will determine control of the Senate for the next term, Republican leaders seem kidnapped by the pressure of Trump’s enormous electoral weight. What can you expect from the transition process and the change of command on January 20? How can we describe the strategy followed by Donald Trump since the election?