Deputies of Chile Vamos promote the creation of an investigative commission to investigate the advice of Felices y Forrados


Deputies from Chile Vamos, led by Juan Antonio Coloma (UDI) and Leopoldo Pérez (RN), sent a letter to the president of the Chamber, Diego Poulsen (RN), requesting the agreement of the Chamber to create an investigative commission to investigate financial advisory services by groups outside the regulatory framework such as Felices y Forrados.

Coloma affirmed that before these consultancies “without due control, of doubtful accreditation and whose interests are obscure to most people, the main affected are precisely the workers and future pensioners.”

Along these lines, the parliamentarian stated that “at a time when the Chilean pension system is seeking the necessary consensus to modify, perfect, improve and purify said legislation, we find ourselves in at least confusing situations, where an institution called Felices y Forrados is highly questioned by technical organizations regarding the usefulness of the financial advisory services they provide to their members ”.

For his part, Congressman Leopoldo Pérez said that “as Chile Vamos we want to determine the responsibility of public bodies, in charge of supervising not only pension fund administrators, but also financial advisers, or market agents. We want to determine whether there was negligence or omission in the exercise of the powers that the law grants to these institutions to regulate and control the provision of financial advisory services ”.
