Just 20 years old was the young man who launched himself in the vicinity of Lago Frío in Coyhaique, when after rescuing his 18-year-old girlfriend, drowning at the scene, passed away.
According to Radio Cooperativa, there were about 20 people in the place enjoying the day recorded in the regional capital of Aysén.
According to the information gathered by the Carabineros, neither of the two young protagonists of the tragedy could swim.
#Coyhaique: #Carabineros of the #GOPE rescued the body of a young man who unfortunately died by immersion in the El Vado sector, drainage of Lake Pollux. The Institution reiterates the call to responsibility and not to bathe in prohibited places, thus preventing this type of tragedy. pic.twitter.com/iaDUR0M3Wy
– Carabineros Region of Aysén del Gral. C. Ibáñez (@CarabAysen) December 7, 2020
Major César Leiva, from the First Police Station of Coyhaique, explained that “in a waterfall there were 20 people who were bathing, and an 18-year-old woman, who did not know how to swim, entered the water and began to drown in that place As a result, the chick jumped into the water and saved this person. Unfortunately, the young man also did not know how to swim and drowned. “
“The Gope personnel managed to remove the body of this young man, which was later examined by personnel from the Carabineros Criminalistics Laboratory and referred to the Legal Medical Service. The woman (the girlfriend) is in good health,” added Leiva.
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