Lawyer Luis Mariano Rendón made known that the La Ligua Guarantee Court admitted for processing his criminal complaint against President Sebastián Piñera, after a photo was released in which it appeared walking without a mask on the beach of Cachagua.
The President is charged with the crime “contemplated in article 318 of the Penal Code, this is, generation of risk of contagion in times of pandemic due to violation of a health authority order“.
“According to the provisions of article 113 of the Criminal Procedure Code, take the criminal complaint as filed, admit it to processing. Send the complaint to the Local Prosecutor of La Ligua, for the pertinent investigation purposes by email“said a statement from the Judiciary.
“Notify the defendant Piñera Echeñique through his defense in accordance with the provisions of article 28 of the Criminal Procedure Code“adds the text.
La Ligua Guarantee Court accepted my complaint against @sebastianpinera. He must now respond to the justice of the crime and not to his subordinate, the Health Seremi, as he intended. Appoint a SQM attorney as your advocate. pic.twitter.com/r3SMf6nz1I
– 🌎 Luis Mariano Rendón 🇨🇱🚦 (@lmrendon) December 7, 2020