Today it was announced that the entire Metropolitan Region will go back to phase 2 of the Step by Step plan. This, according to the Minister of Health, Enrique Paris, during the delivery of the Covid balance from La Moneda, because the region has registered a large increase in cases.
“The report detects an 18% increase in diagnosed cases”, he warned. “Given the number of inhabitants of the RM, these figures are very high impact and we are very concerned. We also observe an increase in the Valparaíso and Biobío Region ”. That is why, he added, they had to make the decision to move the entire region back to the Transition phase.
In this sense, according to today’s report, the MRI reported 314 new cases, being only surpassed by Biobío, a region that had 369 infections. In active cases, The Metropolitan Region currently has 2,317 people who can spread the virus to others, the highest number in the country.
In the case of Valparaíso, it registered 82 infections.
Regarding the daily balance at the country level, in the last day Chile reported 1,760 new cases, of which 1,132 cases with symptoms, 583 asymptomatic cases and 45 not notified.
With this, the total number of cases nationwide amounts to 562,142, of which there are 9,892 active and 536,267 recovered.
Regarding the deaths, the Department of Statistics and Health Information announced that they reported 35 deaths. With this, the death toll since the arrival of the pandemic in the country reached 15,663 in total.
The laboratories, for their part, reported that 38,743 PCR tests were performed yesterday, reaching a positivity of 4.54%.
Regarding the patients, it was indicated that there are 657 hospitalized, of which 508 are on mechanical ventilation and 64 are in critical condition.
To date, it was indicated, there are 295 fans available.