Frente Amplio shoots at Fuad Chahin for failure of primaries in Ñuñoa


Ñuñoa was one of the communes in which the opposition, from the DC to the Frente Amplio, believed that it could hold non-legal primaries. However, the agreement did not prosper, despite various efforts by various candidates.

And in the opinion of the Broad Front, this happened after the attack by Fuad Chahin (DC), because last Thursday they had everything ready to officially communicate the process, but everything collapsed.

As they denounced, the Constituent Unit – a pact made up of the DC, PS, PPD, PR, PRO and Citizens – would have imposed the option of handing over the quota to the president of the Christian Democrats, without going through primaries.

The elections were planned for December 20, the date on which the participating parties and organizations would lift the widest electoral process at the level of participating forces that has been carried out to date. But it was not like that.

Although there were already pre-candidacies working: councilors Paula Mendoza (PS), Patricia Hidalgo (PPD) and Emilia Ríos (FA) together with the neighborhood leader Alejandro Jiménez (DC). In addition, a registration period was contemplated to be able to add independent candidates or candidates from Chile Digno who wanted to contest the building position, within the framework of a common municipal program.

Given the failure of the process, Emilia Ríos regretted that national negotiations prevail over local interests. “We promoted the primaries because the residents of Ñuñoa should be able to choose the change project that best represents them, in a commune that knows first-hand the ravages of the right-wing administration. But they prefer to impose a candidate without any real connection to the commune. If we give Ñuñoa to the right again, it will be the DC who has to give explanations, “he said.

And it is not the only criticism that the phalanx faces, since from the inside, several question that Chahin is the candidate. According to community sources, the store would have an internal primary process to decide who would be the candidate, since Alejandro Jiménez would also have had options.
