Cadem: President Piñera and deputy Pamela Jiles rise as the two most relevant characters of 2020


Deputy Pamela Jiles and President Sebastián Piñera rise as the two most relevant figures of the year that is ending. At least that’s what the new Public Square Cadem survey reported tonight says. Jiles obtained 17% of the preferences, compared to 14% for the President. Jiles and Piñera are followed by mayors Daniel Jadue and Joaquín Lavín, both with 4% respectively.

The respondents, 706 respondents covering 178 communes, answered that the situation for next year “will remain the same” (47%), “will get worse” (29%), and “It will improve” (22%). 2% said they do not know or did not respond to the query.

In addition, according to those consulted by Cadem, 40% responded that it will be a priority in 2021 to make a new Constitution, followed by topics on Health, the economy and the reform of the Pension System.

Faced with the query on whether or not to approve certain institutions, one that suffered a sharp drop in approval, compared to November, was Congress. In November it reached 30% approval, in the middle of the debate over the second withdrawal of 10% from the Pension Funds, and in the first week of this month the approval was 20%.

Meanwhile, the rejection of the government of Sebastián Piñera continues, with 78% disapproving of it. The survey shows comparative examples of December 2018, March 2019 and now and shows that the average note in the first two was 4.3 and 4.4, while now it is a red note: 3.1.
