Non-legal opposition primaries fall in Ñuñoa: RD accuses the imposition of Fuad Chaín in the quota


Only yesterday the opposition as a whole announced an agreement to hold – with a unified program – non-legal primary elections to define a single candidate for mayor of Providencia, this to dispute the municipal seat to Evelyn Matthei.

Until today, a similar agreement existed to do the same in the commune of Ñuñoa. The date was clear, it would be the December 20th, and there were already names for the race: the councilors Paula Mendoza (PS), Patricia Hidalgo (PPD) and Emilia Ríos (RD) together with the neighborhood leader Alejandro Jiménez (DC).

The inscriptions of independent candidates or of the Chile Digno block that wanted to compete were also considered.

However, according to accusations from the FA, the agreement would have fallen, since from the Constituent Unit block the candidacy of the president of the DC, Fuad Chahin, was imposed.

“We promote the primaries because the residents of Ñuñoa should be able to choose the change project that best represents them, in a commune that knows first-hand the ravages of the right-wing management. But they prefer to impose a candidate without any real connection to the commune”, Stated Emilia Ríos.

“If we give Ñuñoa to the right again, it will be the DC who has to give explanations”he added.
