Boric after the resignation of the Liberal Party to the Broad Front: “We must embrace without complex left-wing ideas and the spirit of October 18”


Telluric times. We must embrace left wing ideas and the spirit of October 18 without complex. Recover rebellion and audacity. We continue! “

That was the first reaction of the deputy of Social Convergence, Gabriel Boric, before the Liberal Party decision -represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Vlado Mirosevic and Alejandro Bernales, from leave the Broad Front.

In an extraordinary General Council held this Saturday, the PL decided to leave the conglomerate, warning: “We raise our differences with brotherhood, honesty and timely, always first in private before making it public. However, when wills do not converge on the way forward, the right thing to do is to go separate ways”.

The resolution occurs amid the discomfort of the party for what has been described as a turn to the “left” conglomerate, amidst the approaches of some communities with the Communist Party (PC).

Specific, Commons has recognized dialogues with that party before the possibility of seeking Unique candidacies for mayor and regional governor.

The PL’s departure from the FA is joined by the resignation, this week, of two deputies from Democratic Revolution (DR) to that match: Pablo Vidal and Natalia Castillo.

While the former warned that “RD has preferred a path where a classic left pole is consolidated,” Congresswoman Castillo said today in an interview with La Tercera that the party “It is becoming more and more in a corner”

In the midst of this picture, Boric, one of the FA’s referents, insisted on the need to “embrace leftist ideas without complex.”

Hours after PL’s resolution, the Frente Amplio issued a public statement and sent a letter to the militancy.

In the latter, entitled “Letter to the Frente Amplio: Dignity and justice for Chile” they point out: “We regret the departure of the Liberal Party from our coalition because despite the efforts made to achieve maximum political unity, it has not materialized. This unitary effort has sought to articulate a wide range of parties and social forces to achieve a majority presence in the Constitutional Convention of transformative ideas and thus defeat the veto that the right has imposed during the last 30 years.

They add that “this departure should not stop us, rather mark a turning point to redefine with those who want to build the transformations for Chile today. Knowing how to distinguish those who are available to deepen democracy and those who remain in recipes from the past ”.

They also ask the militants “that in all the spaces that are deployed we make the Frenteamplismo grow.”

In the declaration of the Wide Front Table, while, the president of Social Convergence, Alondra Arellano, He stated that “we value the sincerity of the Liberal Party in wanting to opt for a different roadmap, although we believe that it is a mistake. In any case, from the Broad Front we will always be available to work together, others have closed the doors to us and have not understood that it is time to respect the new forms of organization, democratizing power so that between all and Let’s all build the future of Chile. If the Liberal Party continues to maintain that objective, I am sure that we will continue to meet ”.

For its part, the president of Comunes, Jorge Ramírez, said in that same communication that “we wish the best to the colleagues of the Liberal Party, we hope to meet again in the future government of transformation and change that overcomes the disaster that the right is inheriting us and that will need the broadest unity of the forces of change ”.

The Communist Party, meanwhile, yesterday began its XXVI National Congress, which will run until tomorrow, in which they are expected to adopt some definitions regarding their partnership policy.

At the moment, yesterday they affirmed that “We will promote the unity of those who are about to overcome neoliberalism, without half measures.”
