Indignant. This is how he claimed to be Mayor of Renca, Claudio Castro, who this day denounced that the National Tourism Service (Sernatur) He took 33 older adults from the commune on a trip and one of them tested positive for Covid-19.
Through his social networks, the communal chief wrote: “Outrageous! Although the Municipality of Renca refused to participate in the program, Sernatur took 33 older adults from Renca on vacation to the north. Today one of them was identified as COVID positive. We demand that the government put an end to this initiative! ”.
Castro, in the same way, provided more information on the situation. “They traveled by bus for 6 hours to and from, they slept in cabins and most of them are over 70 (up to 85!) And suffer from chronic diseases. We are tracing and isolating the entire group and its close contacts. Those with symptoms will receive home medical visits, “he said.
The mayor harshly criticized the Sernatur program and stated that “it violates the sanitary restrictions of the Ministry of Health itself, putting our neighbors at risk and the health strategy that we have implemented with great effort in Renca and that today we are in phase 4 (which does not allow senior club meetings) ”.
Finally, the communal chief pointed out that the antecedents of this case have already been delivered to the health authority and that “we will continue to provide the greatest care for our community.”
La Tercera consulted Sernatur to obtain his version on the matter, but so far * they have not obtained a response.
* This note was updated at 19.14.