Julio Ponce Lerou will receive back the $ 2,151 million fine: CDE seeks that the sanction be recalculated


Hard to believe, but true. Julio Ponce Lerou, accused of his role and participation in the so-called Cascadas case, will receive back the fine of 2,151 million pesos that he had to pay in November of this year.

What happened?

In 2014, the defunct Superintendence of Securities and Insurance (SVS) and today called the Financial Market Commission issued a millionaire fine of 1.7 million UF against the businessman for the Cascadas case.

In October of this year, the Supreme Court lowered said fine by only 75 thousand UF, in line with the ruling of the Constitutional Court: in total, the former president of SQM paid 2,151 million pesos in the current account of the 18th Civil Court of Santiago.

Money back

However, as he realized radio Bío Bío, the employer will receive all the money back after an order from the same appeal court, after the State Defense Council requested to challenge the payment and seek to have the penalty recalculated.

The CDE’s claim is based on the fact that the payment had to be made to the General Treasury of the Republic and not to the court’s account.

The second claim that the CDE points out is that the defense lawyer asked to calculate the interest from 2019 and not from 2014, which would increase by 111% what Ponce Lerou would have to pay again.

The president of the CDE, Juan Peribonio, pointed out that “the grounds of the challenge made by the council regarding the inadmissibility of the payment claimed by the claimant were accepted and it was also ratified that the calculation of interest made is not correct” .
