They denounce La Calera for identity theft in a PCR test


The sad elimination of Unión La Calera in the South American Cupa can quickly go into the background, after a serious complaint that affects the cement team, and that involves the impersonation of a footballer at the time of a PCR test.

The case was uncovered by The Mercury of Valparaísor. At, the Seremi de Salud, Francisco Álvarez, confirmed that they have received a complaint against a member of the Calerano team. The irregularity has already been confirmed by a laboratory in the Fifth Region.

“We have received the complaint of an alleged identity theft of a Unión La Calera soccer player during a routine PCR check prior to a soccer match “declared the health authority to the media.

In chaos to be verified, La Calera would incur a serious breach of regulation. Previous each Chilean soccer game, all the summoned players must present the negative result of the test. In case of not having it, it is disabled.

Along these lines, today the antecedents will be presented to the Prosecutor’s Office to open a judicial investigation.
