The pact Constituent Unit, composed of the parties Socialist (PS), For Democracy (PPD), Radical (PR), Christian Democrat (DC), Progressive (PRO) and Citizens (Cs), announced this Thursday that it will conventional municipal primaries (not organized by the Servel) in 85 communes on Sunday, December 20, with the aim of defining the candidates of the center-left for the mayoral elections of April 2021.
The agreement to hold the elections was signed this afternoon by the helmsmen of the communities: Heraldo Muñoz (PPD), Alvaro Elizalde (P.S), Carlos Maldonado (PR), Fuad chahin (DC), Camilo Lagos (PRO) and Maria Ignacia Gomez (Cs).
The Constituent Unit pact of the opposition agrees to hold conventional primaries to define a candidate for mayor in 85 communes of the country. The election was set for Dec 20 @Cooperative
– Paola Aguillón (@Aguillonismo) December 3, 2020
“This agreement confirms the growing solidity of the Constituent Unit pact. We are giving broad citizen participation in the definition of our candidacies and we have a broad politician at the country level to compete together in matters of mayors, “Maldonado explained after the signing, which took place this day at the PS headquarters in Santiago.
The schedule for these primaries also establishes the review of the sanitary conditions of each commune during the next week, to comply with the protocols established by the regulations resulting from the Covid-19 epidemic.
Next, check the list of the 85 communes where the Constituent Unit will hold municipal primaries:
Arica and Parinacota
- Alto del Carmen
- Chañaral
- Copiapo
- Vallenar
- Council
- Catemu
- The Tabo
- La Calera
- The cross
- Nogales
- Olmué
- Panquehue
- Quillota
- Quilpué
- San antonio
- Saint Stephen
- San Felipe
- Valparaiso
- German Villa
- Done
- Conchalí
- The Queen
- Lamp
- I mirror it
- Macul
- Melipilla
- Father Hurtado
- Pirque
- Providence
- Pudahuel
- San José de Maipo
- San Miguel
- Tiltil
- Chimbarongo
- The goats
- Hahaha
- Machali
- Mustard
- Walls
- Pichidegua
- Quinta de Tilcoco
- San fernando
- Cauquenes
- Hualañé
- Linares
- Parral
- Pelarco
- Villa Alegre
- Chillán
- Ñiquén
- Quillon
- Arauco
- Curanilahue
- Hualpen
- Laja
- Poplars
- Quilaco
- Tucapel
- Yumbel
The Araucanía
- English
- Carahue
- Freire
- Gorbea
- Lumaco
- Melipeuco
- New Imperial
The rivers
- The Union
- Mariquina
- Valdivia
The lakes
- Calbuco
- Hualaihue
- Port Octay
- Puerto Varas
- Puqueldón
- Puyehue
- Quinchao
- Black river
- Saint Paul