There is less and less for the expected Total Solar Eclipse that we can enjoy from our country next Monday, December 14.

The astronomical event will be seen in full in the regions of La Araucanía and Los Ríos, while the rest of the country will be able to see it partially.

According to the government map, almost all regions will be able to see more than half of the phenomenon, except those located in the north of the country, with Arica and Parinacota being the one that will have the lowest visibility with only 26%.

For their part, both the Ñuble and BioBío and Los Lagos regions will have more than 90%. Then we leave you with the visibility percentage that the Eclipse will have in each of our regions.

Region of Arica and Parinacota will see 26%.
Tarapacá Region will see 31%.
The Antofagasta region will see 42%.
Atacama region will see 55%.
Coquimbo region will see 66%.
Valparaíso region will see 78%.
Metropolitan Region will see 78%.
O’Higgins Region will see 81%.
Maule Region will see 87%.
Ñuble region will see 92%.
Biobío Region will see 94%.
Region of La Araucanía will be seen 100%.
Los Ríos Region will be seen 100%.
Los Lagos Region will see 93%.
Aysén region will see 79%.
Magallanes Region will see 54%.

It should be noted that the totality of the Eclipse on Chilean soil will begin at 13:03:44 (Temuco) that day.

To know the precise time of the peak point where you can see the Eclipse according to different cities, you can check the following list.

Eclipse peak

Arica: 12:44
Iquique: 12:47
Antofagasta: 12:51
Copiapo: 12:55
Vallenar: 12:56
La Serena: 12:56
Valparaiso: 12:59
James: 13:01
Rancagua: 13:02
Talca: 13:01
Chillán: 13:01
Conception: 13:00
Temuco: 13:03
Valdivia: 13:02
Puerto Montt: 13:05
Coyhaique: 13:10
Punta Arenas: 13:17

It is important to bear in mind that it will be necessary to use certified sun glasses, since looking directly at the Sun can cause total or partial blindness in our eyes.