This afternoon the Minister of Finance, Ignacio Briones, announced that they decided to accept the proposals of Government parliamentarians and apply a tax exemption to those who earn less than $ 1.5 million and decide to withdraw the second 10% of the AFPs.
“We have an agreement on this matter,” admitted Briones, adding that: “We agree that anything related to the withdrawal must be done within the law. They (Chile Vamos) have raised the possibility of exempting the first tranche and we agree, as long as it is done through institutional channels. “
With this, as detailed, a universe of approximately 1,800,000 people will be benefited, and although the opposition insists that even salaries of $ 2.5 million pesos should be exempted, Briones affirmed that “as a government we have agreed to that section , and no more”.
The agreement, in any case, must be analyzed by all the members of the House Labor Commission and, to succeed, it will require the votes of the opposition, who asked that the exemption be greater.
With this formula, as detailed by RN’s chief of staff, Sebastián Torrealba, 9 out of 10 Chileans who decide to make an early withdrawal of funds will not pay taxes for it.
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