After one disappears in the US, another monolith appears in Romania


After a steel structure appeared in the middle of nowhere in Utah, United States, this Monday the sighting of another monolith with similar characteristics but in Romania, in Eastern Europe.

The fact becomes even more incredible after officials in Utah to report the disappearance of the monolith they had found.

The glowing pillar was found on Batca Doamnei hill, in the city of Piatra Neamt, according to DailyMail., meters from an archaeological site in the ancient Dacian fortress of Patrodava, a town that lived there between 82 BC and 106 AD

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These findings were immediately related to those that appear in A space odyssey literary work of Arthur C. Clarke what did it take Stanley Kubrick in his movie classic 2001: Space Odyssey.

In both stories the monolith appears millions of years ago, in the prehistory of what would be our human race. This artifact seemed to give them knowledge that primates did not have, like using a bone as a weapon or, millennia later, making ships that will take us into space.

It is to be expected that this device will generate the same attention as that found by surprise in the United States, in a hard-to-reach place in southern Utah. Especially after in the place where the monolith was, now there was only one triangle.
