A moving story presented us this Sunday the program “Against the wind and tide” by Canal 13. The docurreality hosted by Pancho Saavedra revealed the story of Catalina, a bride who suffers from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and whose dream was to walk to church on her wedding day.
The neurological disease weakens the muscles, advanced rapidly in recent months, which it caused Catalina to only manage to communicate through a tablet, because her tongue was atrophied.
One of the most moving moments of the program, whose chapter became a trend on Twitter due to the emotion that Catalina’s case generated, was when the bride shared her ultimate dream with the entertainer.
When they met for the first time, Catalina confessed that her greatest dream was to be able to walk into church on the day of her marriage. “As you understand, this disease does not have time”, said the protagonist of the story.
The confession brought tears to the entertainer. “The most important thing of all is that today you are here and you have to take advantage of life. Take advantage of it together with your children, the man you love and your family”Saavedra told the bride through tears.
Pancho Saavedra shared the emotional scene on his social networks, where he left a moving message: “This was my first meeting with Catalina and the truth is that it broke my heart. Her dream is transparent and beautiful: she only wants to walk to the altar and we are going to help her”Saavedra said.