Aton Agency

This Monday the results of the Public Square Cadem Survey were released, highlighting the decline in the approval of President Sebastián Piñera’s management and the perception regarding the possibility of vaccination against covid-19.

The Piñera’s approval fell to 13%, obtaining the lowest figure since July 2020, while his disapproval rose to 78%, showing a rise of five percentage points.

Coronavirus and Constitutional Convention

On the evolution of the coronavirus, meanwhile, 62% of those surveyed were available to seek an eventual vaccine when available, although 36% said they would not, reaching a disapproval of women (40%) and in lower strata (41%).

In addition, 70% expressed their support for the deconfinement process, the highest level since August 13, and 93% agree that the mandatory use of masks is maintained. Added to this is 51% who support the suspension of interregional permits and 40% with ending the curfew.

Another issue addressed by the survey was the formation of the Constitutional Convention to draft a new Magna Carta, making it known that Chileans favor independent candidates (84%), middle and lower class (69%), also composed of men and women and academics (36%) and experts (33%).


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