[Minuto a Minuto] Primaries: Tables close and vote counting begins


18:51 –

| #CooperativaEnCasa In Paine, with 5% of votes counted, the UDI Rodrigo Contreras defeats Evópoli Bárbara Kast and the independent Paulina Nin de Cardona

18:15 –

| National Roundtable of the Broad Front calls on the Servel to “respond” and remedy “immediately” the right of those who could not vote #CooperativaEnCasa

18:11 –

| Mauricio Morales, a political scientist, argues that the responsibility for not installing tables “does not lie with the Servel; the law will have to be improved, but the Servel is not to blame for the fact that the members do not fulfill their duty” #CooperativaEnCasa

18:02 –

| #CooperativaEnCasa Óscar Landerretche could not vote in the primaries either: “My table had not been set up. ‘Make a claim’, they told me”
