The day of this Sunday, November 29, the primaries for municipal elections and regional governors were held, where there has been a slowness in the process and that even many people could not vote because the polling stations were not constituted.
One of the people who could not vote was the case of the PPD presidential candidate, Heraldo Muñoz, who claimed that his table was not even merged with others that were working.
“I could not exercise my right to vote in primaries. Table closed and not fused with others in operation. I asked the manager Servel to stamp complaint, but there was no complaint book. A scandal, pues many people have not been able to vote in RM and regions. The Servel owes an explanation ”, he claimed.
Along the same lines, the deputy of the Broad Front, Claudia Mix, announced that she will present a letter to the Servel due to this situation, which has been more common than in other electoral processes.
“We officiate the Servel for the serious and repeated complaint of tables closed in Primary 2020 (not constituted) A situation that violates the constitutional right of the voters who participated in the elections, and we were prevented, without offering an alternative, ”he tweeted.
At 1:00 p.m. this Sunday, the Servel bulletin reported that: “Out of a universe of 21,281 Suffrage Reception Tables determined for these votes, a total of 20,012 are installed, equivalent to 94.03 percent ”.
In an interview with CNN Chile, the president of the Servel Board of Directors, Patricio Santamaría, indicated that there will be legal actions against the board members who did not appear during this day.
“We are going to ask the electoral boards to the members who did not appear are reported to the courts (…) The members, who are appointed by the electoral delegates, were not present, there was no capacity for the people who could not vote, if they stay at the door of the member, what happened now happens ”, he said.
In addition, from Le Servel they explained that they cannot merge tables once the voting process has started, because they do not have the legal power to do so.
IMPORTANT | Regarding the merger of tables in # Primaries2020, three things you should know according to Law 20.640. 👉🏼 https://t.co/C94vYGLqQt pic.twitter.com/lw1AW09wbJ
– Electoral Service (@ServelChile) November 29, 2020