Mixed Commission will present this Saturday the final draft of the Budget Law 2021 | Economy


The Mixed Commission that reviews the Budget Law, will present this Saturday the final wording of the text, which includes the agreements reached with the Government.

In a marathon journeyWith doors closed, the body that is reviewing the initiative met.

In that sense, it was an intense negotiation the one held by the Executive with the senators, deputies and deputies that make up this committee.

According to insiders of the negotiation, about 50 points were addressedAmong which are the reassignments to higher education, where the Government replaced 21 billion pesos, while the opposition intends to increase the figure to 42 billion.

In fact, sectors of the center left reiterated this day that “Without reallocation there would be no budget”.

Another item that remains on hold is that related to resources for primary health care, with the so-called per capita that is in $ 7,800 pesos and it is intended to increase to% 8,000.

As reported by the president of the Mixed Commission, DC Jorge Pizarro, during the afternoon the final text, showing – in addition – confident that the law in question responds, among other things, to social needs.

It is expected that once the final wording of the text has been reviewed, this is approved and sent to the Chamber of Deputies and Deputies counting from 11:00 hours; and then to the Senate, around 3:00 p.m..

Both corporations must ratify the agreements reached in the mixed instance, culminating the processing of the Nation’s Budget for 2021.
