This Friday the actress White lewin She was invited to Martín Cárcamo’s Instagram Live program, in which she spoke about her extensive career on television. The 46-year-old actress stopped at one production in particular: Lola (2007).
In this sense, Lewin spoke of the pressure that recording this production meant for her, which she starred in with Gonzalo Valenzuela and Jorge Alberti.
“I remember that one day I was driving from the canal to my house, and I see that, in all the bus stops, from Providence to the lions, there was my face, and that For me it was heavy, something like this had never happened to me and I just started to see what this was. It was super shocking, it was violent I remember, at first ”, Indian.
“But I was also aware that I had sought to be there, I had not imagined that it was going to be a soap opera like ‘Lola’,” he added.
In this sense, the actress maintained that there were even other station officials who transferred the pressure to her at that time.
“The level of pressure that I had… I remember walking through the corridors of the canal and people came out of the studios, even from the press, to say ‘hey, we trust you’ ”, remembered.
“Since the success of everyone on the channel depended on my performance, they made me feel fed up”, concluded.
It should be noted that Lewin will be in the new premiere of the former Angelito Station, Mabel’s Tower, a television series that is being recorded with severe health security measures due to the coronavirus pandemic.
That production will also star Paloma Moreno and Elisa Zulueta, being destined for the channel’s prime time.