Professionals, with weapons and of the ATP movement: the profile of detainees for threats against Chong | National


The Investigative Police (PDI) provided new details of the arrest of eight people accused of carrying out threats of death against the prosecutor Ximena chong.

The persecutor received at her home a letter with threats after formalizing a police officer for attempted homicide, as he is accused of pushing a teenager towards the Mapocho River from the Pío Nono bridge.

During noon this Thursday, the PDI carried out an activity to give details of the arrest, together with the director of the institution, Héctor Espinosa, plus the Minister of the Interior, Rodrigo Delgado; and his undersecretary Juan Francisco Galli.

There it was explained that the arrest of the individuals was achieved after raids in seven houses and an office from Las Condes, Lo Barnechea, Ñuñoa, Quinta Normal and La Cisterna.

The procedures allowed the seizure of weapons, including a submachine gun. In addition, they had helmets, bulletproof vests with the “Patria y Libertad” logo, shields, posters, and writings against the national prosecutor Jorge Abbott, the Mapuche people, and the Communist Party.

It was also reported that the detainees are 6 men and 2 women who are between 20 and 50 years old, all professionals and without antecedents.

Daniela Forero-Ortiz | RBB
Daniela Forero-Ortiz | RBB

All of them would be part of the movement “We still have a homeland”(ATP), linked to the extreme right and who has participated in several demonstrations, especially those that supported the Rejection option in the constituent plebiscite.

Their identification was achieved thanks to follow-ups carried out with records of security cameras after the letter against Chong was delivered to his home located in Providencia.

The national director of the PDI, Héctor Espinosa, emphasized that there is planning here and that those who sent the letter to prosecutor Chong are identified.

The Minister of the Interior and Public Security, Rodrigo Delgado, insisted that these threats affect democracy.

The eight detainees will be formalized during the afternoon.
