Chile Vamos invokes the “Agreement for Peace” so that parties refuse to advance elections | National


The heads of the deputies’ benches of the three parties of Chile Vamos published a letter addressed to the presidents of the former Concertación parties (PS, PPD, DC and PR), calling on them to reject the idea of ​​advancing the next presidential elections and parliamentarians.

The letter signed by Luciano Cruz Coke (Evópoli), María José Hoffmann (UDI) and Sebastián Torrealaba (RN), recall that they signed in November of last year the agreement that led to the current constituent process and that now other forces – who did not participate of the agreement- seek
advance elections.

“However, and as if it were not enough, today we see how some political sectors and especially former candidates for the Presidency, decide to promote, sponsor and even present a bill for nothing more and nothing less than advance the presidential and parliamentary elections in our country, disregarding in a whimsical and disrespectful way the will of the sovereign, who in 2017 freely elected Sebastián Piñera by a large majority as President of the Republic for the current presidential term, which ends on March 11, 2020 ″, they maintain.

In the letter, they point directly to the former presidential candidate Alejandro Guillier, who was the presidential candidate of the parties to which the letter is addressed.

“The one who has promoted this undemocratic way of acting has been precisely the senator and former presidential candidate, Alejandro Guillier, who in an attitude of unimaginable pride even he has not managed to understand or accept that he was defeated at the polls in a categorical and democratic way ”, indicate.

“Despite the fact that three years have passed since then, the aforementioned senator continues to encourage the presentation of a bill that translates into a true attempt of a white coup against the current institutions and the rule of law ”, they add.

According to the deputies of Chile Let’s go, if the advancement of elections is approved, “the foundations of a legal insecurity towards the future would be laying, going to swell the disastrous record of the countries of the region that have removed presidents in office for spurious, selfish and undemocratic reasons ”.
