A medium magnitude earthquake it was recorded this Wednesday morning in the O’Higgins, Maule and Ñuble regions.
As reported by Onemi, the magnitude was 5.0 and it was registered 72 kilometers from Constitución. Previously, Seismology indicated that it was 21 kilometers from Talca.
Auditors from La Radio indicated that the movement was also felt in sectors of the Bio bio region.
The intensities in the Mercalli Scale, as published by Onemi on its website, are as follows:
Region: Libertador Bernardo O’Higgins
Chepica: IV
Chimbarongo: IV
Lolol: IV
Christmas: IV
Walls: IV
Pichilemu: IV
Placilla: IV
San Fernando: IV
Region: Maule
Cauquenes: IV
Constitution: IV
Curicó: IV
Linares: IV
Pelluhue: IV
Holy Family: III
Saint Xavier: IV
Talca: IV
Region: Ñuble
Chillán: V
Chillán Viejo: III
Ninhue: III
Portezuelo: II
Saint Fabian: III
The SHOA ruled out that the earthquake generates the necessary conditions to cause a tsunami in the coasts of Chile.
At the moment, according to the National Emergency Office, there are no damages, alteration of basic services or infrastructure.
#Now Check in #equake in the Maule Region. Monitoring begins with the Mercalli Informants Network.
– onemichile (@onemichile) November 25, 2020