Second 10% Withdrawal: “Wayward” Senators of Chile Vamos Back Down and Analyze Abstaining


Juan Castro (RN) and David Sandoval (UDI), two of the five senators from Chile Vamos who pledged their vote in favor of the constitutional reform that allows a second withdrawal of 10 percent of pension savings, they recoiled in their posture and said that analyze abstain of the voting in Room.

The parliamentarians expressed their current position after the United Finance and Labor commissions of the Senate will dispatch in particular to Sala the counterproject of second withdrawal promoted by the Government, making significant modifications to what was initially proposed by the Executive.

In practice, the Executive’s project remained very similar to the reform promoted by Deputy Pamela Jiles (PH), which was sent to the Constitutional Court (TC) by the Government.

“We are pleased and fully satisfied with the project that was approved today in the Joint Commission. We will most likely have an abstention tomorrow in the reform project and we would absolutely approve the bill that was approved in the Mixta, “said Sandoval.

According to the union senator, the opposition proposal also has “a very uncertain future scenario” due to the appeal before the TC.

For his part, Castro stated that “In no case” will he reject the reform already approved in the Lower House, but he announced that “I could abstain” and instead “approve with affection the project that comes from the Executive”.

The foregoing, he stressed, because “the indications that we installed allowed the project to remain the same, the same, in its content as the one that comes in the Chamber of Deputies.”

The vote for the second retirement of 10 percent in the Senate, scheduled for this Wednesday, was in doubt after the upper house table, led by Adriana muñoz (PPD), will convene for 10:30 a.m. a special session in order to continue processing the 2021 Budget until full dispatch, as expected to be done yesterday Tuesday.

In any case, a committee meeting was called early to define the schedule for the day in more detail.
