Santiago Library: this is the reopening process


The awaited moment arrived. After months of confinement and contact through screens and virtual activities, the Santiago Library finally began its long-awaited reopening. Since this Tuesday the 24th and thanks to the fact that Santiago entered Phase 4 in the “Step by step” plan of lack of definition and health situation.

It should be noted that this face-to-face activation will have a series of strict measures and protocols during this first stage, among these the following are confirmed:

-It will serve the public only three days a week, specifically Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

-It will offer only and exclusively the material return services (which will be quarantined for 14 days), together with the loan of a maximum of two books, and only for members already registered (there will be no new registration, for now) for 30 days and without renewal.

-The return service will not require an appointment, but it must be done during the Library’s operating hours.

Very important to know is that for this income it is necessary:

-Book and schedule the visit through a form found in this link on our website:

-To carry out this same process more user-friendly and intuitive, a chat will be implemented so that users and users can also reserve at this link:

-Only with this procedure you can access the loan application.

-Previously, the stock of the books to order should be consulted in the Library’s online catalog. In this link:

-Once the data is entered and the appointment is confirmed through an email (day and time), the member must show their identity document and their confirmation email under surveillance and may enter the Library, after taking temperature, data record and access authorization respecting capacity.

-These reservations are individual, non-transferable and it must be considered that the response will be within 48 hours. Children under 14 years of age may only attend accompanied by a dependent adult.

-During this first stage of reopening, each member must schedule appointments every 15 days, in order to allow a greater number of members to have the possibility to request and withdraw books.

Both for Library staff and visiting members, it is necessary to follow the safety and health regulations, such as the mandatory use of masks, use of alcohol gel and physical distancing.

