Government announced new IFE for vulnerable families in quarantined communes


The Minister of Finance, Ignacio Brionesannounced tonight the delivery of a new Family Emergency Income (IFE) to help the most vulnerable families in communes that are quarantined by Covid-19.

The Secretary of State announced the measure, which he called “IFE Quarantine”, at a press conference from the National Congress, accompanied by senators RN Francisco Chahuán and Juan Castro and their UDI peers Ena von Baer and Pedro Sandoval, within the framework of the discussion of Budget 2021, which must be approved in the next few days.

“We are very aware that, despite the improvements that have occurred in health, there are regions that are still in quarantine. We know from the comparative experience of other countries that there will probably be outbreaks (…) and we want to give a sign of calm“Briones said.

“What the senators of Chile have asked us in the Budget discussion, come with me, all of them from regions, is that we could formalize this mechanism in the Budget Law and, in that way, if this initiative is successful, next week we will be in a position to press the button whenever necessary for the towns that are currently in quarantine “, he pointed.

The minister explained that the “IFE Quarantine” consider the same amounts as the original IFE and that “the only peculiarity is that If yesterday was at the national level, today we want to be agile to respond at the local level. “

At the same time, he detailed that this new benefit it will be executed “on the payroll already built” in the previous IFE, which exceeded 8 million people, “therefore it will be much easier to apply.”
