The Carabineros reacted with surprise after the same day that the resignation of the former general director of the Carabineros Mario Rozas was announced, another high official followed his path. It was the newly appointed La Araucanía Zone Chief, Iván Ketterer, who had been notified of his new position two weeks ago, but on Thursday decided to end his career in the Carabineros.
The uniformed police attributed the departure to “personal reasons” since the new director general, Ricardo Yáñez, would look for another name. This is how This Monday, General César Bobadilla was made official as the new head of the La Araucanía Zone, which this year has been marked by cases of rural violence.
Bobadilla, they explain in the Carabineros, responds to the already called “Yáñez doctrine”, that is, with an operational profile, on the ground and that knows the operation of the police “in the town” (on the street).
General Bobadilla, according to his curriculum, has the following career: in 1990 he joined the Group of Aspiring Officers at the Carabineros School, graduating in August 1992 as a second lieutenant. His first destination was the 15th Buin Police Station. Later, he worked in the following barracks: 1st Police Station Concepción; 1st Police Station Puerto Varas; the 3rd Traiguén Police Station, in La Araucanía; 1st Police Station Coyhaique and the Aysén Prefecture.
In June 2018 he was promoted to Colonel and In January 2019 he became prefect of the Prefecture No. 22 Cautín. The police records indicate that during his tenure the crimes of greater social connotation fell 35.7%, according to figures from the Police Operational Tactical System (STOP) as of November 15 of this year. In this position he served until this Monday, which gives him a “plus”, they explain from the institution, because they know “by heart” how the region works. In fact, he has been in the area for three years. During his tenure, in addition, the arrival of 40 vans to patrol rural sectors materialized.
This Monday the appointment of the new deputy director of the Carabineros was also made official, a position left by General Yáñez. This is General Mauricio Rodríguez, who was head of the Metropolitan Area.
Yáñez, in addition, promoted two new colonels to generals and moved some pieces from the board left by Rozas. General Pablo Silva was in charge of the General Secretariat and had previously been appointed as head of the Eastern Metropolitan Zone. That position, now, remained in the hands of General Jean Camus.