Monckeberg says he has the votes of Chile Vamos and that 10 percent of the Government will be approved


The Minister Secretary General of the Presidency, Christian Monckeberg, assured that the Government’s project to a second 10 percent withdrawal will be approved in “three weeks.”

For this, the Secretary of State assures that he has the votes of the parliamentarians of Chile Vamos, although many of them have already approved the initiative in progress that the Executive seeks to block in the Constitutional Court (TC).

In conversation with National state, Monckeberg was emphatic that they will not support the parliamentary project because “We are not going to negotiate on the logic of a misused mechanism, what we want is for us to have a withdrawal, a response and to do it well.”

The minister insisted that La Moneda’s proposal “it is for the people who need it most” and not for people who earn five million pesos, who do not need it and who also receive tax benefits if they put 10 percent in a Voluntary Pension Savings (APV) account.

The arguments for now to the TC and not the first time

Monckeberg justified that the Government now go to the Constitutional Court and not when the first withdrawal was made, as he said that at “that moment, there was a very uphill situation in the country “ and that “there was a very devastating human and social thing”.

“At that minute, from the Government and the President, we all understood that it was not the right minute, because we also believed and understood that it was the only and only time that the money was going to be taken (…) but this became habit”, projection.

“Take my word for it, in three more weeks people will be with the approved bill and that, most certainly, we will already start planning it ” to deliver it, he claimed.
