One night of confessions they had Pamela daz and Chiqui Aguayo this Friday. In a new episode of Partners Through Instagram Live, the animator and the comedian referred to their participation last week in Mucho Gusto, which had a very good rating and caused people to talk.
Ah, Aguayo began to complain to his partner that they did not catch her in the morning because she dedicated herself to talking about her love affair with Jean Philippe Cretton.
People want to see show again, but a nice show, Pamela Daz assure.
I think we make a good pair, but unfortunately, next to you, people do not catch me. I become invisible, said the winner of the Festival de Via, asserting that that day no one caught me ”
And I told you in commercials, tell them to ask me things, and what did you do? You talked about yourself and Jean PhilippeChiqui Aguayo claimed.
The reflection of Pamela Daz
Continuing the conversation, Chiqui Aguayo continued with her claim and told her friend that you said you wanted to keep your life private and we know everything “about the CHV animator and their relationship.
I didn’t say anything about Jean Philippe … ‘You know’ I’m not going to be able to break up with him, because if we end up like I look bad, people like the relationship more than we do, reflection Pamela Daz.
Check here the conversation in Partners