Until this Saturday the term is extended for those who need to change their electoral address with a view to the April 2021 elections.
The request for change of electoral domicile could be made from November 1 through the Servel website, with a Unique Password.
The request for a change of electoral address is not a mandatory procedure, but only for those who need to do it for different reasons.
The changes requested in this period will not be reflected in the Primary Elections of this November 29, but in They will be present in the electoral roll for Regional Governors, Mayors and Councilors and eventual Constituent Constituents on April 11, 2021.
This midnight the updates of the Electoral Registry of the citizenship (names, electoral addresses and legal inabilities, among others) are stopped, to later generate a new provisional register, which is submitted to the review of external auditing companies.
This will give rise to an audited registry that is made known to the public, and before which there is a period of 10 days to complain about errors or omissions.
Finally, after the result of the claims, the definitive register of an election or plebiscite is drawn up.