This Saturday the Government, in the voice of the Ministry of Health, delivered a new report on the spread of the coronavirus pandemic in Chile.
In the last 24 hours, 1,550 new infections of covid-19, of which 1,019 are symptomatic and 502 are asymptomatic.
With this, the total number of people who suffer and suffered from the disease in the country amounts to 539,143 total cases.
Currently, active cases are 9,224.
The Minsal also indicated that 27 patients died in the last 24 hours due to causes associated with covid-19, bringing the total number of deaths to 15,030.

In parallel, 514,584 people have recovered after becoming infected.
In the healthcare network throughout the national territory there are 712 hospitalized, of which 552 remain connected to mechanical ventilation. Of these patients, 78 have a critical diagnosis.
Finally, in the last 24 hours, 39,586 PCR tests were taken (5,017,064 in total).