This Friday it was announced that the creator of Felices y Forrados (FyF), Gino Lorenzini Barrios, is a shareholder of four AFPs — Habitat, Capital, Provida, Cuprum—, despite having previously indicated that it does not invest in assets in Chile.
Information from the Commission for the Financial Market indicates that until the end of the third quarter of this 2020 Lorenzini remained as a shareholder in the four AFPs, according to Diario Financiero.
He declared the same Lorenzini, He invested in five AFPs “to attend shareholders’ meetings”, adding PlanVital himself to his investments.
He declared that he decided to “invest $ 100,000, that is, a couple of shares, in each of the publicly open AFPs, which are five, in order to attend the shareholders’ meetings and directly confront the owners and investors of the AFPs there. That is the only reason ”.
“Of my equity, it must be like 0.000001%, which is invested in AFPs” he indicated, adding that “as an investment it has been terrible, the AFPs have lost a lot this year, but obviously, losing investing $ 100,000 does not matter to access the shareholders’ meetings and be able to make all the complaints ”.