The day the new Carabineros director general testified as a witness in the Gatica Case | National


BioBioChile acceded to the declaration of the new Carabineros director general for the Gatica case. In his testimony, he assures that he did not inform the undersecretary of the Interior at the time, Rodrigo Ubilla, of what happened. The reason? Lack of background.

Before becoming the new director general of the Carabineros, Ricardo Yáñez, served as the national director of Order and Security of the uniformed police.

It was in that position that the now head of the institution faced the social outbreak of October 2019, an occasion that led him to testify as a witness before the Public Ministry in the framework of the Gustavo Gatica Case.

He did so on December 5, 2019, in which he provided information regarding the use of the protocols and in which he assured that he did not inform the undersecretary of the Interior at the time, Rodrigo Ubilla, of what happened.

The reasons?

– “We had no prior information regarding (the) victim, nothing.”

Faced with the contingency that occurs from October 18 onwards, what frequency of communication do you maintain with the undersecretary of the Interior and in general with the political authority?

-“Its permanent. I daily report to the administrative authority the main events at the country level, and emerging aspects. In those days there were not only telephone communications, but also meetings in La Moneda ”.

“It is frequent and permanent.”

– How and when did you find out about the fact?

– “When I don’t know. I understand that this fact was denounced by the FFEE prefecture itself. The original information that I receive is that the event occurred in Vicuña Mackenna with Alameda ”.

-Various media reproduced statements by the general director (Mario Rozas) that the person who shot Gustavo Gatica is identified. Did you provide information to the managing director in this regard?

– “No, what was reported to my general is an ex officio complaint regarding the officer who proceeded in the place, and that all the records were made available to the Public Ministry.”

“As I understand it, a captain does it, and it is a very brief part. A general context is denounced, only the use of the weapon, and the knowledge that a person was injured, from whom no further information was obtained ”.


The uniformed man also referred to the institution’s protocols. For example, he was asked what measures or instructions he gave as national director of Order and Security, especially if there was an order on the occasion of the eye injuries prior to November 8.

– “What I do is transmit the instructions of the general director. In particular, adherence to protocols has been repeated on several occasions. That was repeatedly (…) Written instructions were given and I also met with the generals by videoconference ”.

“Carabineros do not go out to harm anyone; the effects of using the shotgun will depend on whether or not those who used them complied with the training and certification that was given to them for its use ”.

In relation to how to operate after the injury, information to be given, formulation of a complaint, assistance to the injured, etc. Do you know if there are separate instructions for GOPE or FFEE personnel and territorial units?

– “I do not know if there were additional instructions from the territorial commands, but assistance to the victim is a legal obligation, the same with the duty to report, which is also contemplated in the same protocol, and we extend it to deliver the antecedents to the Public Ministry. In terms of administrative investigations, in a month, we have accumulated a large amount, much higher than in recent years ”.

In the case of civilians who died or were injured by the action of the Carabineros, were you asked for some kind of report by the general director? What instructions on the matter did you receive?

– “As the national director of Order and Security, I have to carry out the consolidation of all relevant events at the national level. That is channeled through OS1 ”.

“When there are situations of deceased people, we kept a record of all that information and it is consolidated.”

“The general director’s instruction was that in all these cases a complaint be made, when there are injured victims. Complaints had to be made ex officio or accepted when someone denounced ”.

Why is there no regulation on how the riot shotgun should be fired?

– “I am not a technician or an expert. Shooting with a pistol can be given direction, and we are taught that throughout our professional careers. In the use of the shotgun, on the other hand, the shot cannot be directed, if I shoot at 8 or 10 meters I can kill it. At a greater distance the impact is less, but the dispersion of pellets is greater. Which can also cause harm.

Now, to your question, I do not know why it has not been more specifically regulated. However, as I already indicated, even the ammunition comes with instructions for use.

In his statement, Yáñez concludes that “I only reiterate my willingness to cooperate (…) We want to find those responsible for those who incurred in non-observance of the protocols and who have not only done serious damage to the institution, but to the country.”

Check the full statement here
