After the harsh impact caused by the pandemic on the Chilean economy, activity began to recover in the third quarter of the year.
The curve of the real estate market has followed more or less the same trend and, like the economy, the sector is very optimistic about what will happen in the last part of the year.
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One of the catalysts for those expectations lies in the withdrawal of pension funds, which has strongly pushed commerce and consumption. It should be remembered that the first withdrawal of 10% was calculated at about US $ 18,000 million and, if the second project presented by the opposition is approved, it will be a very similar amount.
According to data from Yapo.cl, after the approval of the project in the Chamber of Deputies on November 11, the average of quotations for the purchase or rental of homes increased 71% compared to a normal week.

From the market They affirmed that the daily average of quotations in a normal week is 12,062, while in the week after the advance of the project in the Lower House these increased to an average of 20,659 per day.
The manager of Classifieds of Yapo.cl, Claudia Castro, said that many people, unlike the first retirement, “are thinking in the long term, investing these resources and that they are for a home, a second apartment to rent.”

Castro added that this is not the only factor: “we also have an economy that is recovering. We began to reopen commerce and communes, which causes many more clients to want to go to see properties (…) no less is the interest rates that we are facing today, which allows them to look much longer in the long term ”.
For his part, the general manager of Alpha Inmobiliaria, Max Schnitzer anticipates that if the second withdrawal of 10% is approved, it is likely that he will see an increase in demand for homes, mainly in sales in white and green with projects that are in progress.
More about Withdrawal of funds
“In the background, they are going to put a foot, but for the proper sale of properties that are finished for immediate delivery, it will help, but in a lesser way,” added Schnitzer.
Regarding the prices for housing rental, the communes that lead in the last week in the Metropolitan Region are Santiago with 29,709, Central Station with 8,979, Maipú with 8,125, La Florida with 7,401 and San Miguel with 7,029.
Along these lines, Castro highlights that “we have seen an increase in apartment prices, but houses are not far behind. In the communes, Santiago continues to be highly sought after, despite the fact that we saw that it had declined a lot after October 18, it began to rebound and today it continues to lead ”.
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On the side of the prices for the purchase of houses, from Yapo.cl they detail that the commune that leads is Maipú with 4,416 followed by Santiago with 4,379, Puente Alto with 4,349, La Florida with 3,366 and Ñuñoa with 2,798.
Outside the Metropolitan Region, the company’s classified manager specifies that demand has increased specifically in the coastal areas of the country, with the regions of Coquimbo and Valparaíso being the ones with the highest number of quotes.
Another relevant point is prices, which have been maintained with some falls in recent months as a result of the effect of the pandemic and the restrictive measures to prevent its spread.
Despite this increased interest in buying and leasing, Schnitzer estimated that in the short term prices will remain stable. “(However) what I do see is that in the next 12 to 24 months there will be a slight upward trend in prices.”
Castro made a nuance. “We do not expect increases, because what we saw with the first withdrawal, in which demand also increased and there were none. What yes, during the pandemic adjustments were made, but more within the people who were renting a property ”.