They investigate shots by carabinieri against two minors inside the Sename center in Talcahuano


The Public Ministry and PDI staff investigate a confusing incident which occurred around 6:00 p.m. today inside a center of the National Service for Minors (Sename) in Talcahuano, where two minors were wounded by bullets in the framework of a police procedure, where two officers used their service weapon.

The event occurred in the Carlos Macera residence, located in Diego Portales population, of the aforementioned city. Due to their injuries, the minors had to be transferred by SAMU personnel to Las Higueras Hospital.

The President Sebastián Piñera, who precisely at that time had planned to participate in a ceremony with the Carabineros -of retirement and promotion of generals-, decided to suspend the activity. Sources close to the Presidency indicated that the Head of State “He is focused on clarifying the truth in a full and timely manner.”

For these purposes, ehe President contacted the Minister of the Interior, Rodrigo Delgado; the Minister of Justice, Hernán Larraín; the Mayor of the Bio Bio Region, Sergio Giacaman; and the Ombudsman for Children, Patricia Muñoz.

It was precisely the Interior Minister who, minutes later, confirmed that the head of state “stayed personally monitoring the situation, he has spoken with various authorities (…) in order to have the background information as soon as possible.”

During his address, thin described the event as “maximum seriousness” and announced that It is already being investigated by the Public Ministry, along with the development of an internal investigation in the Carabineros.

He added that in order to clarify how the incidents unfolded, “We have requested maximum information from all relevant authorities” and make this data available to the Public Ministry.

Also, Delgado argued that the general director of the Carabineros, Mario Rozas, “has initiated a summary investigation and we have requested that this investigation be in a fairly limited time”

Regarding the data that the Government handles in a preliminary way, the Secretary of State stated that “Personnel from the center, from the residence, would have called an ambulance for a situation with some young people who would be decompensated inside the residence. The ambulance requires police personnel to enter, since there were apparently some contexts of violence inside, and at that moment, when the Carabineros arrive, there is a situation that is being investigated.

In statements to 24 Hours, the brother of a resident of the center – a psychiatric patient and who would be one of the inmates whom they were going to look for in the ambulance – tried to shed some light on the development of the events.

“What happens is that My brother has psychiatric problems, and they came to look for him to take him to his treatment, but the Carabineros behaved in a discriminatory manner, so the young people obviously scribbled and a fight broke out with the Carabineros, where they drew their weapons and injured two young men , two minors, who came out in defense of my brother, because they were clearly discriminating against him, because he is sick, “he said.

From the Ministry of Justice, after regretting the facts, they indicated that, According to medical history, the two minors would be out of life risk, without prejudice that one of them must be operated on”. They also added that “contact is being made with their relatives to offer them all the necessary support.”

Meanwhile, it was indicated that two other adolescents are detained by the Carabineros, “And contact has been made with the Public Criminal Defense Office for the corresponding effects.”

In the portfolio statement, they say “Minister Hernán Larraín has contacted directly with the General Director of the Carabineros in order to request an investigation by the police institution” and that the Secretary of State himself instructed that “the national director of Sename, Rosario Martínez, together with the head of the Department of Youth Social Reintegration of the Ministry, will travel to the Region early this Thursday, with the objective of verifying the state of health of the adolescents, verifying the conditions of the residence, making contact with the families of the young people affected and adopting the measures that allow clarifying the events that occurred “

For its part, the deputy prefect of the Talcahuano Prefecture, Lieutenant Colonel Álvaro Martínez Vega, He said that this was a “serious situation, which left minors and police injured and that we must clarify with maximum speed and maximum transparency. We are going to deliver all the information we have so that this happens as quickly as possible ”.

“The permanent role of the Carabineros is to protect people and even more so if they are boys, girls or adolescents. No carabinero wants to injure a minor, the institutional role is to protect them and give them security, “he added.

While, Henry Campos (UDI), mayor of Talcahuano, was emphatic in pointing out that “Today Carabineros de Chile has to act with transparency and clarity, delivering all the information to clarify these proceedings, because it is not possible that the rights of children continue to be violated ”.

Furthermore, he stated that “It is essential that today the responsibilities do not cut for the thinnest, but also that a responsibility is made by the institutional high command product of procedures where people’s rights have been violated. And on the other hand I think it is important that the State also assume its responsibility in the reform of the police force, its procedures and of course in the reform of institutions such as Sename ”.

After denouncing the incident, the Ombudsman for Children, Patricia Muñoz, stated through the institution’s Twitter account that “Today, police personnel enter the Carlos Macera residence in Talcahuano, who use their firearms in an absolutely unjustified and improper manner and cause injuries to at least two children who are now in the hospital receiving medical attention”.

Likewise, Muñoz added that the injuries of minors are of a reserved nature. “We hope that this of course does not have vital consequences, but the truth is that this situation is one more manifestation of the horror represented by state violence exercised by those who, having the duty to protect children and adolescents, ultimately They attack them in an unjustified and undue way “, he pointed.

Due to the above, Patricia Muñoz assured that today will present legal actions corresponding.
