In recent days, two American laboratories (Pfizer and Moderna) and the Russian institute Gamaleya announced that the vaccines against Covid-19 being developed have shown efficiency greater than 90% and that by virtue of the positive results of their studies, these could be available in several countries in two or three more months.
In this regard, the infectologist specializing in vaccines Rodrigo Vergara, director of the School of Medicine of the University of Valparaíso and former advisor to the Ministry of Health on immunization issues, warns that so far it is only about advertisements and that still need to be done longer term follow-ups to all the people who are participating in the testing of the vaccines to know what is the real immunity that they generate.
“Efficacies of some of these vaccines have been reported that are very high but for which there is still very little information, few cases and little follow-up time. While these are auspicious or encouraging results, these are still precocious. You have to wait a little longer to see what its real effectiveness is, ”says Dr. Vergara.
Along the same lines, the specialist affirms that afterwards the effectiveness of the vaccines will have to be studied during their routine use stage within a population as part of a vaccination program. “The latter implies knowing how much the vaccine really protects the community in general, a result that is usually similar to previous efficacy studies. But this is still being reviewed once it begins to be applied “, he says.
Therefore, for the infectologist, it is related to the development of vaccines against covid-19 it’s very preliminary.
“In short, we still do not know how long the immunity that laboratories are announcing for now really lasts or when they will be available. One of them even pointed out that in a couple of months he could start supplying his. However, I estimate that before six months to a year there will not be a mass vaccine available in Chile “, Vergara says.
“Hopefully I’m wrong, but let’s not forget that there are also very complex logistics issues involved, such as their storage in conditions of adequate temperature or refrigeration and their mode of distribution. Likewise, we will have to see what the agencies in charge of approving them say, both the American and the European, for example. That is why we must not relax at all and maintain the corresponding prevention measures.