The Children’s Ombudsman expressed its rejection of the return of the “Liberty Bus” to the country, which contains discriminatory messages against sexual minorities and will circulate in Santiago and Valparaíso as of next week.
Through a public statement, the entity recalled that “in 2017 said bus circulated through Chile, spreading slogans that misinformed the community and, what is more serious, explicit messages that unduly favor and encourage discrimination towards LGTBIQ + boys, girls and adolescents “.
“This situation violated the principle of equality and non-discrimination, which obliges the institutionality of the State of Chile, but also society as a whole, to guarantee that no boy, girl or adolescent is a victim of discriminatory acts based on race, skin color, gender identity, gender expression , language, religion, political or other opinion, nationality, ethnic or social origin, economic condition, disability “, they specified.
“Gender identity constitutes one of the categories with respect to which discrimination of any kind is expressly prohibited, and the State of Chile must adopt reinforced measures to prevent children and adolescents from being discriminated against for this reason, both in law and in law. in fact, “they recalled.
Along with this, the Ombudsman’s Office stated that “no norm, decision or practice of domestic law, whether by state authorities or by individuals, can diminish or restrict, in any way, the rights of a person based on their sexual orientation, their gender identity and / or their gender expression, which is why We hope that said bus, which is precisely contrary to the concept of ‘freedom’, does not circulate promoting information that favors discriminatory actions against LGBTIQ + children. “
In parallel, the Movement for Homosexual Integration and Liberation (Movilh) asked the mayors of the Metropolitan Region, Felipe Guevara, and of Valparaíso, Jorge Martínez, “adopt the administrative and legal measures that are necessary“to prohibit the transit of the bus.