Bernardo Larraín Matte – Agency One

The president of the Sociedad de Fomente Fabril (Sofofa), Bernardo Larraín Matte, made harsh statements before several businessmen and authorities such as the President of the Republic Sebastian Piñera, ensuring that in Chile there is “a de facto parliamentarism” Y “populist”.

At the annual Sofofa meeting, Larraín Matte assured that “among the latter, those who are rather collaborating towards a polarization, who have short-term views, simplistic and at times populist, are some members of our national Congress“.

“I am referring specifically to those parliamentarians who they continue to deepen that de facto parliamentarism that, without any constitutional reform, and that is causing, we believe, havoc in our country, “said the businessman.

“It is those same MPs who continue to act as if growth is not an ethical imperative at this point. Populism advances not only by the action of some, but, more than anything, by the omission of others“, Hill.


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