“It was probably a mistake to talk about salary amounts”: Paris addresses controversy with Colmed but rules out public apology


The Minister of Health, Enrique Paris, addressed the controversy that confronted him with the Medical College (Colmed) after he assured on television that these professionals have just “Receive a much more substantial bonus than the same health officials” and that these “They earn a lot of money.”

The sayings of the Secretary of State were broadcast on the program Hello Chile from The net where he assured that “A doctor who works 44 hours has a salary of more than 5 million 400 thousand pesos.” This caused the annoyance of the president of the union, Izkia Siches, who ruled out that they have received a bonus since the beginning of the pandemic. “We deeply regret the false advertisements about our salaries that, in our opinion, are only intended to confront us with the rest of the unions and the general population”, said the leader.

Asked about this issue in the balance of the coronavirus situation in the country delivered this Monday, Paris acknowledged that “It was probably a mistake to talk about salary amounts, it creates differences within the health team and I admit it”.

However, he ruled out publicly apologizing: “Apologies should be requested by the person who said that we were very open to dialogue, but that we did not fulfill what we promised and that we were also threatening a reduction in salary. He is the one who deceives and I am not “said the minister, alluding to Colmed’s secretary general, José Miguel Bernucci.

“Before this deception I had to answer. I could not remain silent when a person who is a national leader, and who is running for office, indicates in a tweet that salaries are going to be reduced, that is not true, everyone knows it and any lawyer knows that (the salaries) are set by law “, he expressed.
