Small 4-year-old loses his parents due to COVID-19: both died 3 months apart | Society


Media in the United States released the story of Raiden Gonzalez, a boy just four years old who lost his parents to the coronavirus. Their parents died three months apart, in the middle of the pandemic.

According to the NBC network, the nightmare of this Texas family began last June, when a co-worker of the boy’s father, Adam, tested positive for COVID-19.

The 33-year-old man caught the disease and within days his symptoms worsened. He was admitted to a hospital in the city of San Antonio, where he was diagnosed with severe pneumonia. He died on the 26th of that month.

October came and the family was still trying to cope with Adam’s departure; However, the pandemic struck them another blow, after Mariah, mother of the minor, quickly fall ill with a bronchial picture.

She was transferred to the same hospital, but her fight lasted for a couple of days, since passed away on October 6, at 29 years old. Subsequent analyzes carried out on his body determined that he had also been infected with coronavirus.

Raiden Parents | NBC

Raiden is currently in the care of his grandmother, Rozie Salinas, who is planning a birthday celebration for the boy. next November 28, who suffers for the departure of his two parents.

“This very morning she told me that she wanted her mother back and that she just wanted her back. In that situation, what do I say? So I told him now they are angels who are taking care of us and protecting us ”, exposed.

In this sense, Salinas said that the one who the child misses the most is his mother, because both had a much closer bond, since they spent together “almost all day.”

“Mariah wanted to pay tribute to Adam, but it never materialized”, Held.

Rozie hopes to host a themed party about dinosaurs and trucks, which are the most common interests of the boy, who will turn five.

“We have contacted several truck clubs, bikers, Mustang clubs, classic cars, Jeep clubs, in addition to the fire department. There is going to be a great participation of people ”, he indicated.

“He is the one who keeps me going, only with his words of love. He always thanks me for taking care of him, because I have to think about him. It is a difficult situation to process, ”Salinas concluded.

For now, the family started a GoFundMe fundraising campaign to secure resources for Raiden’s care.
