The American company Moderna announced this Monday that its vaccine against covid-19 has presented an efficacy of 94.5% in the prevention of covid-19, that is, surpassing the results reported by the Pfzier / BioNTech alliance (90%) and by the Russian government (92%).
This means that the risk of contracting COVID-19 was reduced by 94.5% in the vaccinated group compared to the placebo group in their large ongoing clinical trial in the United States. If this level of efficiency were maintained in the general population, it would be one of the most effective vaccines that exist, comparable to that of rubella, effective in 97% when two doses are applied, according to the US Centers for Control and Prevention of Diseases (CDC).
By comparison, flu vaccines ranged from 19% to 60% effective in the past 10 seasons in the United States, according to the CDC.
This was reported by the company, based on the results of its Phase 3 tests, announcing that they will seek to request an emergency authorization with the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) of the United States during the next few weeks.
The company assured in this sense that the product already meets the efficacy criteria required for its commercialization, and affirmed that it is a “great day” in the fight against the coronavirus.
The study, known as the COVE study, recruited more than 30,000 participants in the U.S. and has been conducted, the statement said, according to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the U.S. Institutes of Health. , part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Biomedical Institute.
This announcement comes on the heels of similar results from Pfizer and increases confidence that vaccines can help control the pandemic.
During the first analysis, 95 symptomatic infections were detected, 90 of which had received the placebo and not the real vaccine. As explained by Moderna’s technical director to El País, “the most important thing is that only 11 of the 95 people who fell ill did so seriously, with hospitalization and breathing problems. And all 11 were on the placebo. We did not expect this even in our dreams ”.
No seriously ill with covid-19 was registered among the vaccinated people, compared to 11 in the placebo group, according to the statement from the biotechnology company. According to Moderna, between 9% and 10% of vaccinated people experienced side effects after receiving the second dose, such as fatigue, muscle pain or irritation near the vaccination point.
Preliminary analyzes also suggest that safety and efficacy is consistent across the different subgroups evaluated, that is, including those at higher risk.
These results have not, however, yet been evaluated by independent scientists.