Javiera Parada: “I am glad that Gonzalo Blumel returns to public activity and that he is contributing to the constitutional conversation”


“It brings a sober look with perspective and experience, valuing agreements and dialogue. Good that i’m back“, Said the actress, cultural manager and member of the group” Democracia es Diálogo “, Javiera Parada, referring to the new political role that the former Interior Minister, Gonzalo Blumel, will assume.

Commenting on what the former Secretary of State said in an interview with The Third Sunday, which was also a cultural attaché of our country in the US during the second government of Michelle Bachelet, expressed that “I am glad that Gonzalo Blumel returns to public activity and more, that it is to contribute to the constitutional conversation through Horizontal”.

In that body, and which is a study center, the former minister is currently a research associate.

Parada added that “I am certain that Gonzalo Blumel believes in human rights and that is why he convinced his government, not only of the need for the constitutional process, but also of the profound reform of the Carabineros de Chile ”.

Finally, he stated, on the same issue that affects the uniformed police and the national political situation, that “What I know is that (Blumel) is the first right-wing leader with such clarity on the need for the reform of the Carabineros and that, in addition, he opposed the hard sectors of his sector when our democracy was in danger.”
