Los Angeles councilwoman is infraction for not respecting quarantine while handing out chickens | National


The UDI councilor for the Los Angeles commune in the province of Bío Bío, Yasna Quezada, was infringed by not respecting quarantine while handing out chickens in a truck at Cuñibal camp.

The fact was verified by Carabineros personnel from the Paillihue Sub-police Station, who infringed on him within the framework of health regulations as a result of the pandemic.

According to the police version, the official councilor kept live chickens in a truck at kilometer 4 of Route Q-61-R between Los Angeles and Santa Bárbara.

The authority delivered the birds free of charge to neighbors who were complying with social distancing and the use of masks, according to the Carabineros report.

However, when consulted by Radio Bío Bío, she was surprised by the complaint to the Prosecutor’s Office and stated that she could not return the 2,500 chickens that he intended to distribute to the residents of Cuñibal on the road to Llano Blanco.

However, the situation occurs on the first weekend that the Los Angeles commune began the quarantine due to the increase in cases of covid-19.

When controlled, Quezada did not carry any type of authorization or safe conduct to carry out the activity.

After the inspection, the Carabineros gave him the facility to leave the place together with the truck that transported the chickens, reporting the violation to the Seremi de Salud and by means of a letter to the Public Ministry.
