The pololeo between Pamela Díaz and Jean Philippe Cretton has been a required comment on various programs that are made by Instagram, among them, “Socios” with Francisco Saavedra, Jorge Zabaleta, Stefan Kramer and Pedro Ruminot.
The quartet commented on the romance that the local show takes and there Saavedra revealed that Zabaleta has always found Díaz beautiful, a confession that the actor jokingly admitted and triggered funny comments.
“Do you want to know everyone what happened with Jean Philippe Cretton? We are talking about some things before,” said the host of Places That Talk, to which the actor replied “I am not interested in the Jean Philippe and everything.”
“I hate you”
Later they commented on the vacation the couple took in Cancun, Mexico, to which Zabaleta responded “I hope Jean Philippe has risen to the occasion”.
During the program, Kramer also imitated Jean Philippe and the quartet shared what they had thought when they found out about the romance. Ruminot for example pointed out that I was glad, my heart was glad, genuinely. But it is a couple that one cannot imagine. “
However, Zabaleta expressed “I said ‘oh, this cunt? I want to make him levitate in the slit!'”.
“I hate you jerk, I hate you”said Zabaleta emphatically, who joked about the matter all the time.
Later, the “Sres Papis” actor acknowledged that the only thing he has stolen in his life is a Morenita malt poster, an advertisement in which Pamela Díaz appeared.
More news from Pamela Díaz
More news from Jean Philippe Cretton
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